EGO3D - A look behind the scenes
EGO3D is the premium provider of high-quality portrait busts in Germany. The company, based in Mülheim an der Ruhr is managed by owner Robert Fischer. Fischer is a graduate mechanical engineer and has extensive experience not only in an industrial process, but also in image processing and portrait photography.
Karl Samus comes from an artistic family and studied Design at the University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund. He is involved in the computer graphics since the early days of the 80's and masters in addition to the 3D modeling the computer animation. He also works in his spare time as a photographer and image editor and masters the entire spectrum of classical painting techniques.
Immanuel Günther studied painting at the Academy of Arts in Karlsruhe. In addition, he has been working for over 10 years with computer-based imaging techniques, especially 3D graphics and digital illustration. Since several years he works as a digital sculptor for EGO3D and develops also new graphics processing techniques. Moreover, he shares his knowledge as a non-fiction author for 3D graphics.
Our Marketing is managed by Dieter Jansen. With decades of experience he enhances our market position continuously.